ESG: Corporate Governance
Stor-Age is committed to sound ethical standards and the principles of good corporate governance.
As a relatively young and growing business, we continue to evolve our corporate governance practices, policies and procedures in tandem with our business, taking guidance from the recommended practices outlined in King IV.
We are aware that the actions taken today will impact on short and medium-term risks and opportunities. This is particularly relevant to the sustainability of Stor-Age, a growing and evolving business. Accordingly, everything that we do is underpinned by our four Core Values of Excellence, Sustainability, Relevance and Integrity.
In line with these Core Values, the board and executive team continue to promote and support ethical standards of business conduct and good corporate governance.
Since publication of the FY24 integrated annual report (31 July 2024), there have been no amendments to the Policies. Recorded conflicts of interest and/or personal financial interests of the directors and/or the executive management of Stor-Age, as contemplated in the Policies and paragraphs 7.5 and 7.6 of the JSE Debt Listings Requirements (as read with section 75 of the Companies Act) as at 31 July 2024 are accessible at https://bit.ly/conflictpolicy.
Read our corporate governance report from page 57 in our most recent integrated annual report.